Great House starts with a great Floor Plan

We offer professional and cost efficient Floor Plan services. From measurements and quick sketch to professional 2D and 3D Floor Plans.

Example of a 2D Floor Plan created by XL Visions
Example of a 3D Floor Plan rendering offered as add-on by XL Visions

When it comes to selling a property Floor Plans can make a huge difference, and here is why...

  • Floor Plans show actual layout and dimensions of the property.

  • Buyers love floor plans – in fact, 93% of buyers say they are more likely to spend time looking at a property with a floor plan.

  • Floor plan can help potential buyer visualize arrangement of their furniture and maybe even build an emotional attachment to the home before seeing it in person.

  • Including a floor plan with a listing has been proven to reduce time on market by up to 50%.

  • Floor Plan adds value and to your listing, and makes you look professional and knowledgeable.

Call us at 773-807-7567 or send us an email
if you would like to find out more about
our Floor Plan services.